I-Joists have made their mark in the industry, boasting strength, dimensional stability, and lightness, often proving to be a superior alternative to traditional framing lumber. Their distinct design, however, calls for special handling and fastening, which builders need to navigate for proper installation.
This hour-long discussion dives deep into:
- Crafty jigs for marking and cutting I-joists.
- Mastering the addition of blocking and squash blocks.
- Pro tips on fastening methods to eradicate squeaks.
- Options in rim joists and how to pick the best.
- Expert advice on avoiding flange splits during fastening.
- Remedies for damaged joists in the field.
- A comprehensive take on fire resistance requirements.
And this barely scratches the surface!
*Note - At the 40 minute mark it was mentioned the minimum end bearing length for i-joists is 1.5 in. For TJI joists, we require 1.75 in.
The discussion is lead by a distinguished panel with seasoned builders Mike Guertin, Ben Bogie, and Aron Jones. And representing Weyerhaeuser Trus Joist, we have our very own Territory Manager, Steve Rudowsky. With his decades of experience, Steve provides invaluable insights from the perspective of a user of Trus Joist products in residential construction.