Our sustainable products help provide homes for everyone
Few amenities are more fundamental to life and comfort than a home. For many people, home is a sacred, personal space, and it can take many forms. It can be a home in the city, suburbs or in a small town. It can be an apartment or condominium, a tiny home, a backyard dwelling, an intergenerational home or a homestead.
Regardless of its form, a home is essential shelter — yet quality, affordable, sustainable housing is in short supply in communities across North America. In fact, recent research suggests the United States ended 2023 with a housing supply deficit of between 1.5 million to 2 million units. While construction and building materials are certainly part of the cost of building new homes, real estate costs (the land) are the primary driver of this shortage. Additionally, a preference for single-family zoning drives housing scarcity and escalates costs, diminishing affordability and access. Adding to the challenge, housing costs and rental prices are increasing, while median household income remains relatively flat.

We believe that by working with partners and applying our deep industry and supply chain expertise, we can significantly increase the overall availability of quality housing — faster, more efficiently and at scale to make a real difference for communities of all sizes across North America. We see two main areas where we can play an important role in accelerating the volume, sustainability and diversity of housing availability. The first involves supporting innovation in the wood products industry to greatly increase the capacity of wood-based buildings through improved construction methods and updated building codes that will allow wood construction in midrise buildings of five to 10-plus stories. The second involves supporting the development of offsite construction and nontraditional housing options — from accessory dwelling units to tiny homes and other detached structures — to provide flexible, efficient alternatives for creating new homes through wood-based construction. To ensure enough options are available to meet different income levels and geographies, we must also improve understanding and recognition of wood as the most sustainable, versatile, renewable and cost-effective building material — especially when compared with concrete and steel, which require large amounts of fossil fuels in their production and have a much higher environmental impact than wood.
By 2030, we envision a world where sustainable wood products are providing abundant, diverse options that ensure everyone has access to quality, sustainably built housing. We want to help lead a paradigm shift where people have more housing options — of all shapes and sizes — anchored in natural, renewable and high-quality materials.
While there is much we can accomplish over a decade, we have structured our long-term goals into three-year phases to effectively prioritize and accelerate progress. Currently, we are midway through the second phase of our 3 by 30 Homes Sustainability Ambitions — running from 2023 to 2025 — and are focusing on two key areas:
1. Supporting innovation and development of wood-based construction methods to replace less sustainable, nonrenewable materials
Through updated building codes, techniques and material innovation, we see an opportunity to create more housing units on the same land by expanding the use of wood-based construction methods.
Actions include: policy work focused on advancing supportive legislation; sponsorship of wood-based design and innovation competitions; support and sponsorship of wood-based and mass timber education events; and more.
2. Increasing available housing options by supporting innovations to improve building speed and efficiency, as well as high-quality alternative and diverse home-building efforts
By improving supply chain efficiency and reducing building cycle time and waste, we see opportunities to enable the development of more houses with the same labor, time and money. Some key partnerships established in Phase 1 will continue, but the nature of our work is evolving, and we continue to be open to new partnerships.
Actions include: Supporting advocacy activities focused on affordable housing with Habitat for Humanity International; working with the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Executive Council for Housing Affordability; supporting programs focused on developing or increasing access to high-quality alternative or diverse housing; and supporting industry events to educate housing designers and contractors on improving construction speed and efficiency.
During the second phase of our 3 by 30 Sustainability Ambitions, from 2023 to 2025, we are intentionally making fewer, but more strategic, investments of our time and resources. While much of our work is ongoing, we have already achieved several important milestones.
- We joined the Executive Council for Housing Affordability, part of the J. Ronald Terwilliger Center for Housing Policy. Through our participation on the council, we are engaging stakeholders in important conversations about the role of wood products in affordable housing.
- In 2024, we partnered with Habitat for Humanity to launch the first Weyerhaeuser Innovation Challenge. Participating Habitat affiliates developed and implemented ideas for using wood products to increase equitable access to affordable homes, while also demonstrating sustainability and resiliency.
- We expanded our partnerships with the University of Arkansas’ Fay Jones School of Architecture and Clemson University’s Wood Utilization + Design Institute, engaging students and academic and professional communities on both campuses about building sustainably with wood through research, projects and seminars.
To ensure transparency and accountability, we will continue sharing our accomplishments and baseline measures from Phase 2 semi-annually.
In the first phase of our work, we focused on laying the foundation for meaningful progress. We learned that increasing construction efficiency and expanding options for unconventional housing are highly interconnected and adjusted our next phase of tactics accordingly. We accomplished more than 80 percent of the actions we set out to achieve in the Sustainable Homes ambition; remaining actions were rolled into Phase 2 or set aside in favor of more effective tactics.
- In 2018, the International Code Council developed code provisions for mass timber construction projects up to 18 stories; these provisions were added to the 2021 International Building Code. Part of our ongoing activity includes working to get the IBC’s codes adopted in states throughout the U.S. Our team continues to work with partners and associations at the state level to build acceptance of mass timber, position innovative wood building materials as low-carbon options and encourage states to expand mass timber promotion and construction projects.
- In 2020, we awarded a grant to the University of Arkansas’ Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design for a research project and design studio called “Wood City: Timberizing the City’s Building Blocks.” The project received a 2021 Green Good Design Award.
- Building on this success, in 2021 we funded a second design research project, “A Just Home for the Arkansas Timberlands.” Together, these projects amplified the school’s emphasis on timber and wood products, as well as affordable housing. Both projects have expanded into additional work with new partners interested in using mass timber for affordable housing and in rural, forest-centered communities.
- We supported mass timber and wood innovation projects conducted by Clemson University’s Wood Utilization + Design Institute.
- In 2020, we became a Founding Partner of Ivory Innovations. To support solution development for the housing affordability crisis, Ivory Innovations brings public and private organizations together to support and promote innovations in the fields of policy, regulatory, finance, construction and design. Weyerhaeuser provides financial resources for research and supports an annual award to recognize innovative solutions and initiatives to engage university students in addressing housing affordability.
- In 2021, we were the lead sponsor for Operation Tiny Home’s “Alpha” House, a prototype for a small home, built in part from our products, that was then donated to Mattersville, a community supporting veteran housing.
- Since 2021, we have sponsored the International Mass Timber Report, which informs the International Mass Timber Conference, the world’s largest gathering of mass timber experts. We participated in panels and other discussions at the Mass Timber Conference to both learn and share information.
- In 2021, we leveraged our participation in the National Association of Home Builders International Builders’ Show to highlight our sustainability ambitions and engage our supply chain and customers in a discussion of our 3 by 30 goals and the role of wood products in expanding housing options.
- In 2021, we joined the World Economic Forum’s Sustainable Mass Timber Action Committee, a group of civil society and business leaders focused on moving sustainable mass timber from a niche opportunity to a mainstream option and developing tools to expand the use of mass timber. As part of this committee, we participated in a virtual panel on the future of this green building material.
- In 2021, our government relations team worked with our business leaders to identify innovative wood building materials and mass timber building-code adoption as a top priority in our legislative action plans.
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