Printable Resources
Our Story
We use our website to provide a comprehensive look at our sustainability practices and priorities, but sometimes you just need a simple summary. These printable documents provide some highlights of our sustainability story from different angles.
We also share our key sustainability-related activities in our standard quarterly and annual reports and in our ESG (environmental, social and governance) presentations for investors.
How We Do It Series
We're incredibly proud of the breadth of scientific knowledge and expertise housed within our company — and in our sector as a whole — around forestry, wood products and natural resources. Looking for more in-depth background and details about specific topics? These issue briefs are a great starting place.
Our sustainability reporting is aligned to four key ESG and sustainability frameworks, which each provide a different, helpful way to organize and communicate our performance to different audiences. These documents describe our alignment at a high level, with information in each about where to find more details.
- GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)
- SDGs (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals)
- TCFD (Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures)
- TNFD (Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures)
- SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board)
- 2024 CDP Disclosure
Our Carbon Record is our Greenhouse Gas Inventory, including our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and removals. It also provides a case study in accounting for the carbon impact of working forests and wood products, as well as our role in contributing to climate solutions.
- Greenhouse Gas Inventory Principles
- Carbon Record
- Single 1: The Story Behind Our Carbon Record
- Single 2: Inspired By Our Working Forests
- A-Side: A Closer Look at All Four Tracks
- Presentation: The Story of Our Climate Contribution
- B-Side: Our Comprehensive Methodology
Our Nature Perspective is a comprehensive assessment of our nature-related dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities. It provides structure, guidance and vision to strengthen the way our teams consider and manage nature as a core component of our work.
We are committed to being transparent about our company’s activities, including political donations, how we approach ethics, and reports from third-party certification programs.
- Annual Political Donations
- Code of Ethics
- Supplier Code of Ethics
- Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI) Audit Reports
- SFI® and Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) Certificates
- Anti-Bribery Policy
- Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment and Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
- Chemical Management Policy
- Environmental Policy
- Health and Safety Policy
- Human Rights Policy
- Product Stewardship Policy
- Sustainable Forestry Policy
- Threatened and Endangered Species Policy
- Wood Procurement Policy
Our sustainability report is designed to be explored online. We provide downloadable PDFs of our previous reports; these are screen captures of our website and not formatted or optimized as published documents.
- 2022-2023 Sustainability Highlights
- 2022 Sustainability Snapshot
- 2021 Sustainability Snapshot
- 2020 Online Sustainability Report
- 2019 Online Sustainability Report
- 2018 Online Sustainability Report
- 2017 Online Sustainability Report
- 2016 Online Sustainability Report
- 2015 Online Sustainability Report
- 2014 Online Sustainability Report
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