NORTHEAST Trus Joist Territory Managers
Upcoming EVENTS
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Whats New
Recent technical articles, documents and other resources.
- What if the edge of a TJI® web hole is immediately adjacent to the face of the flange?
- Can Trus Joist products (TJI® joists, Microllam® LVL, Parallam® PSL or TimberStrand® LSL) be used as roof framing in a 3-sided, open air salt storage building?
- Should I apply glue/adhesive when building a multiple-member Microllam® LVL beam?
Trus Joist EWP Literature
If you'd like hard copy binders of literature contact the rep in your area using the contact info above.
Northeast Document Binders
Click the image below to launch an interactive PDF to navigate technical literature by application and product.