SOUthwest Trus Joist Territory Managers

Upcoming Events
Past Webinar Recordings
- 2/14/25 - TimberStrand LSL 1.6e studs & Parallam PSL & TimberStrand LSL columns
- 12/13/24 - Trus Joist product knowledge webinar about our unique 2.2E Grade Parallam PSL beam product.
- 9/27/24 - Tips and Tricks for ForteWEB®
- 6/29/23 - TJ-Pro™ Rating Floor Performance by the Numbers
- 5/25/23 - Lateral Design & Detailing with Trus Joist® Products.
- 4/25/23 - Rethinking the Need for Concrete Topping
- 3/23/23 - Trus Joist Tips and Tricks on Multi-Family Lite Commercial Projects
- 2/22/23 - Parallam in Column Applications
- 12/8/22 - Lateral Design & Detailing with Trus Joist® Products.
- 10/26/22 - Why Parallam?
- 08/19/22 - Stair Design using Trus Joist Products
- 07/21/22 - Floor Performance (TJ-Pro Rating System)
- 06/30/22 - Product Substitution Do's and Don'ts When Specifying Trus Joist Products
- 04/19/22 - More Tips & Tricks when using ForteWEB
- 03/26/22 - Tech Bulletins available through the SW Specification Center
- 01/26/22 - Specifying & Detailing Trus Joist Products in High Density Housing Projects
- 11/30/21 - Weyerhaeuser Learning & Training Resources
- 10/19/21 - Web holes and Flange Notches in TJI Joists and Holes in Parallam PSL
- 09/13/21 - Fasteners: Shear Walls, Drags, Straps & Diaphragm Nailing
- 08/18/21 - Product review Timberstrand and Microllam
- 06/09/21 - "Three Beam Strategy" vs Glulam
- 04/28/21 - ForteWEB Advanced Tips and Tricks
- 03/10/21 - Weyerhaeuser's new Trus Joist EWP Specification Center
- 07/15/20 - Timberstrand Studs & Timberstrand Headers
- 05/22/20 - TJ Pro Rating
Whether you're a new user of ForteWEB or advanced, our software team provides free webinar training sessions for you to learn. Take a look at the software training schedule and register to attend one of our many free webinars. On demand sessions are also available for you to watch at any time.

Trus Joist EWP Literature
If you'd like hard copy binders of literature contact the rep in your area using the contact info above.
Most Popular Tech Bulletins
- TB-818: TJI® Joists with a Side Flange Notch in the Top (Compression) Flange
- TB-808: Bottom Flange Trus Joist® TJI® Joist Attachment Connections
- TB-817: Trus Joist® TJI® Joist Repair Details for Holes Located Within 12" of End Bearing
- TB-319: Weyerhaeuser Engineered Wood Products Header-Off Span Table
- TB-206: Fastener Spacing in Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products
- TB-305: Re-Sawing Microllam® LVL, Parallam® PSL, and TimberStrand® LSL
- TB-824: Trus Joist® TJI® Ceiling Joist Span Tables
- TB-500: 20", 22", and 24" Deep Depth Beam Design Guide for 2.0E Microllam® LVL
- TB-834: Maximum Point Load Applied to Either Member of 2-Ply TJI® Joists
- TB-805: Trus Joist® TJI® Rafter Cut Detail
Trus Joist CARB Compliance
Click the image below to launch an interactive PDF to navigate technical literature by application and product.
Additional Literature Resources - Informers, Details & Stocking Lists